After months of lockdown and border closures many Australians are escaping on a road trip or planning to. The trouble is many of us have neglected to get an up-to-date eye test over the break.

OPSM commissioned research on Australian drivers and found that three quarters of drivers are planning a long road trip this year with an average length of 4 hours. Despite this, over 90% of Australian drivers and riders don’t get their eyes checked before their journey.

Covid lockdowns over the past few years have resulted in a significant reduction of people getting their eyes tested. Reduced eye testing and increased road journeys is a concern which led OPSM to commission the OPSM Driving and Eye Health Report 2021, to better understand Australians’ attitudes and behaviours towards vision and road safety.

We all know how important our vision is for road safety, but what is surprising is how many of us get behind the wheel with vision problems. A staggering 1 in 3 Australian riders and drivers don’t feel comfortable driving at night due to their vision, 9 in 10 drivers and riders are bothered by glare, and 84% of Australian drivers and riders admit their vision isn’t perfect.

It is recommended that you make regular visits to your optometrist based on your eye health needs for improved road safety. Optometrists strive to ensure you have the best possible vision to be safe on the road and provide innovative lenses that are built for comfort and road safety, so you can drive and ride with confidence and clarity.

Put an eye test on your road safety checklist, because road safety starts with good vision.

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