The Australian Government rebate on private health insurance was introduced as a financial incentive to help Australians afford private health cover. Under the scheme, you can choose to receive a rebate on your health insurance as a percentage of your overall premium, based on your income.

Basically, it makes health insurance more affordable, to encourage more people to use it.

You can choose to claim the appropriate rebate up front as a lower premium. You can also nominate to claim a lower rebate than your entitlement, or in fact no rebate at all, which gets returned as a lump sum when lodging your annual tax return.

The rebate amount is based on your age and assessable income*. You can find out more about the thresholds set by the Australian Taxation Office for the financial year by visiting their website. The rebate isn’t available for the Lifetime Health Cover loading portion of membership payments.

Rebate income thresholds

The amount you receive as a rebate off your premium depends on how much you earn - higher income earners have a lower rebate percentage. Rebate entitlement is based on the age of the oldest person on your cover and assessable income.

Rebate income thresholds applicable:


  Base tier Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3
Singles $97,000 or less $97,001 - $113,000 $113,001 - $151,000 $151,001 or more
Families $194,000 or less $194,001 - $226,000 $226,001 - $302,000 $302,001 or more
64 years or younger 24.608% 16.405% 8.202% 0%
65-69 years 28.710% 20.507% 12.303% 0%
70 years or older 32.812% 24.608% 16.405% 0%

Please note: Single parents and couples (including de facto couples) are subject to family tiers. For families with children, the income thresholds are increased by $1,500 for each child after the first. Your entitlement is based on the eldest person covered on your policy and assessable income.

Your premium quoted by the Fund will take the latest rebates into consideration, so the only information you need to provide us with for this will be your age and your assessable income, and to nominate a rebate tier. If you don’t tell us, or if you choose the wrong tier, don’t worry - the Australian Tax Office will work out any differences when you put in your annual tax return.

If you aren’t sure which rebate tier you should choose, please contact your tax agent, financial advisor or the Australian Taxation Office.

The rebate percentage is adjusted on 1 April each year.

* For the calculation of assessable income which is known as income for Medicare Levy Surcharge purposes, please seek the advice of your tax agent, financial advisor or contact the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) Help Line on 132 862 or visit their website.